The Products
As a mama of three littles, I needed a tangible (and daily!) way for my children to hide God's truth in their hearts. The Armor of God printable was created and used as part of their morning routine. I laminated the armor pieces and stuck Velcro dots on the back, with matching dots to a mirror. Now every morning, they practice "putting" on their armor by sticking the pieces to the dots. It's been a visual reminder for them to guard their hearts and minds, to stand firm in their faith, and to remember that the authority to resist evil comes from Jesus. As my 5 year old said (after a nightmare), "I am a child of God, you cannot be near me!".
Incorporating the Armor of God into our family's routine has been an incredible resource and I pray your children's faith will increase as well.
The link above will direct you to my Etsy site for purchase.
Dichotomous Key of Living Things (FREE!)
I created this worksheet for my kids, to classify their nature findings! For more on this, visit The Lists page > Cabinet of Curiosities. Feel free to download as many copies as you need.

In her book, Growing Grateful Kids, Susie Larson says, "What will we do with those formative years? Will we bless or will we curse? Will we build equity into our influence to set our children up for success? Or will we drain the authority God has entrusted to us by misusing our privileged authority? Will we speak life to them, or will our words and choices drain life from them?".
That's a lot of responsibility, but also, what an honor! As parents, we get to show our children who God is and how God sees them. We get to instill value and encourage them, breathing life and calling them into who God created them to be.
This download contains 12 notecard blessings (3x5 size) that will help you speak life and wisdom into your kids. Feel free to laminate them and hang them up in your children's bedroom, mount on a poster, or file in an index box.
This link will direct you to my Etsy site for purchase.
Passover Seder Cards (FREE!)
Use these cards, along with the Seder script from Martha Zimmerman's book, Celebrating Biblical Feasts.
For more info on a Seder ceremony, visit the page "Host a Seder Dinner" on The Lists tab.

Check the Food Labels! (FREE!)

These two credit-card size printables will fit in your wallet for quick reference and could be laminated to last longer.
For more info on food labels, see the post "Check the Food Labels" on The Lists tab.
The Fruit of the Spirit is an important metric to help us model our character after Jesus; they are a product of leading a life that honors God. They are also important to refer to in parenting, but it can be hard to remember them all in the heat of the moment. This watercolor 8.5"x11" poster is designed to be hung where you can refer to it regularly, and includes more in-depth definitions to help them become more actionable.
The link above will direct you to my Etsy site for purchase.